How Housebuilder Pro supports new home builders in aftercare

Building a new home is a monumental task, requiring careful planning, precise execution, and thorough attention to detail. However, the process doesn’t end once the keys are handed over. For new home builders, aftercare is a crucial phase that ensures customer satisfaction and helps maintain a stellar reputation in the market. Housebuilder Pro is designed to support builders throughout this phase, streamlining processes, managing customer expectations, and ensuring compliance with industry standards like NHQB accreditation.

NHQB accreditation: Meeting high standards of quality and care

Housebuilder Pro is committed to helping builders meet the stringent requirements of the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB). This accreditation is a mark of excellence, demonstrating that a builder adheres to high standards of construction quality and customer service. Our platform integrates these standards into every aspect of the aftercare process, ensuring that builders not only meet but exceed the expectations set by the NHQB. From snagging to complaint management, Housebuilder Pro’s tools are aligned with NHQB guidelines, providing builders with the support they need to deliver homes that meet the highest quality benchmarks.

Comprehensive complaints management process

Handling customer complaints can be a challenging aspect of aftercare, but with Housebuilder Pro, it becomes a streamlined and manageable process. Our platform offers a full complaints management system that allows builders to track, manage, and resolve issues efficiently. This system ensures that all complaints are logged and categorised, enabling builders to prioritise and address them in a timely manner. By providing a structured approach to complaints, Housebuilder Pro helps builders maintain positive relationships with their customers, even when issues arise.

Our platform also facilitates transparency by allowing customers to track the progress of their complaints through the customer portal. This not only helps to build trust but also reduces the number of follow-up inquiries, as customers can see that their concerns are being actively addressed.

Effective snag management

Snagging is a critical part of the aftercare process, and Housebuilder Pro offers robust tools to manage this effectively. Our platform allows builders to record, assign, and track snagging issues seamlessly. Builders can easily document snags, including photos and detailed descriptions, and assign them to the appropriate trades for resolution. The platform tracks the status of each snag, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks and that all issues are resolved before handover.

Housebuilder Pro’s snag management tools are designed to be user-friendly, allowing site managers and tradespeople to update the status of snags in real time. This ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page, reducing delays and improving the overall quality of the build.

Customer portal: Empowering homeowners

One of the standout features of Housebuilder Pro is our customer portal, which gives homeowners direct access to essential aftercare services. Through the portal, customers can log snags. This level of transparency and accessibility is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and fostering trust between builders and homeowners.

The customer portal also serves as a central hub for communication, allowing builders to send updates, share important documents, and keep customers informed throughout the aftercare process. By providing customers with a clear and direct line of communication, Housebuilder Pro helps builders manage expectations and ensure that all issues are resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Aftercare is a vital component of the home-building process, and Housebuilder Pro is dedicated to supporting builders in delivering exceptional customer service long after the build is complete. From ensuring compliance with NHQB standards to managing complaints and snags efficiently, our platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline the aftercare process. With the added benefit of a customer portal, builders can maintain transparency and communication with homeowners, ensuring that every new home is a source of pride for both the builder and the customer.


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